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How far have you drove
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Jay NE Ohio
Posted 8/8/2006 13:31 (#33810 - in reply to #33801)
Subject: Re: How far have you drove

northeastern Ohio
I bought a Super M at an auction down in Southeast Ohio and drove it to my father-in-laws farm. It was about 40 miles. Bought a JD 7800 at a sale in Wooster and drove it home about 50 miles. I bought a NH FX25 chopper about 200 miles away..... and thought about driving it home, but I decided to rent a trailer and truck it. I got stopped at the first weigh station in Ohio for overwidth. I asked the officer if he would prefer me to unload and drive it home or go the final 30 miles as is? He let me continue.... Anyhow, back to the subject: I would probably drive a tractor up to about 100 miles. Any farther and I would use the semi.
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