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Is a cell phone machinery? I decided this was the best place to ask a question.
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Illinois John
Posted 8/8/2006 08:42 (#33743 - in reply to #33677)
Subject: You got me excited about the Razor V3, Dave!

Crawford County, Robinson, Illinois

Are you really, really happy with reception on your Razor, Dave?  You really got me going after reading all the details on the Razor V3, maybe I do want some of those features!  I went to the Verizon website, and read a lot about the different features of this phone and learned a lot, after your comments.  It helps to have a person tell you, you can never believe the advertising hype that comes on the website, unless it is backed by the comments from a real, live, user, and especially one in a fringe area such as yours.

I didn't know how extensive the bluetooth was on that device, other phones I read about didn't have removable memory and the ability to communicate wirelessly with my Pc.

I could use pictures on the phone, if I can download them easily in the Pc, there are so many times I don't have my camera when I need a picture of crops or interesting machinery, and if it is that easy, I might just have a compelling need to spend the extra money to use it.

Problem is my daughter, if she finds out she can use her memory sticks on the phone and listen to music wirelessly, I'll have to buy one for her as well.  Upside of that, she won't turn her phone off when I want to call her.

I didn't know you could buy eyeglasses with bluetooth, previous bluetooth devices hanging in a person's ear looked stupid, but the pictures of those is really cool!

Only thing that really hangs me up now is some comments from others that say reception may be a problem, but if you can get it to work well in your area, I will sure consider that phone strongly!

Have any problems with batteries lasting, or any real downsides to that phone you haven't mentioned, Dave?

Anybody else have any other opinions on the Razor or some other phone that would have those capabilities?  My original question said I didn't want these things, I may be changing my mind, if my pocketbook can stand the pressure.

And, to the others that commented, thanks a bunch.  I still have not committed to the Razor, I have until September 18 to decide, and am still considering options.

And, to Skinhead, thanks a lot for your priceless quote, which I have already shared with several others on e-mail--it is a classic! "Did you ever notice that a cell phone is the only thing a man brags about that is smaller than another mans???"


Edited by Illinois John 8/8/2006 08:50
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