| They won't do that during harvest. I wish they would. Last fall we were paying 16 cents for grain out of the field. I don't mind the higher prices, I just wish I could find someone reliable to either put in a truck or hire him and his truck for harvest.
At those prices I elected to keep the dump trailer running and let someone else mess with the grain this summer. The longer haul I know because I was asked to bid on it, there was a sizable quanity involved. I had been thinking that we'd have to get at least 30 cents for a 170 mile round trip and told the man I really wasn't interested at that price even and that if Charlie had jobs and we had work for the dump trailer I wouldn't shut it down to haul his grain and that's when he said not to worry about it because another guy had bid it at 18 cents.
In the summer there are just too many grain trailers running around. We've got a guy coming out of AR every day with mulch and taking corn back. Runs 500 miles a day and after fuel has less than $600 to show for it. We've averaged over $700 a day on the dump trailer with just over $100 in fuel per day, nets us about the same, only I run 300 less miles a day and I'm home every evening while he's on the road until midnight and just wearing himself out.
Send up some of the rain you've been hoarding down there, it's getting dry up here. | |