| These are "white pea beans"
For more info go to the Ontario Bean Marketing Board @ ontariobeans.on.ca
At every church supper I've ever been to someone brings a big pot of "browned beans". That's what these are.
You hope to have a yield close to a tonne (2204 lbs/acre) and this year you can contract for $20-$22 per cwt (last year the prices were better). So gross per acre would be in the $450-$500 range (Cdn) It can be worth the gamble on a few acres every year. This year I put 10% of my acreage into whites and have generally had good luck with them in the past, although they are a finicky crop to grow. I also put 20-25 acres of pumpkins in every year so I'm already climatized to the maintenance required to make a crop. I usually have to spray the pumpkins 4 or 5 times a year too. | |