For folks in Ohio,Indiana, Illinois & Missouri there is a proposed natural gas line they want to build from Ohio to Colorado. Here is a link to the proposed route. This was just in our Farm Bureau paper that came out and I thought I would post in case any of you in affected areas have not heard about this and would have issues with right of ways or drainage issues involved with such a project. I know from my experience crossing a fiber optic phone line with tile that my criteria for any such right of way through me would carry a long and extensive list of requirements they would need to meet. Separation of top soil and subsoil, returning land back to original condition and "my" satisfaction not theirs. Open ditch dug very deep no plowed in lines allowed. I would need to be present for any and all operations on my property. They would be responsible for all tile breakage, repairs, relocation and future crossings forever and they would also have to be willing to document depth and gps location of line across my property to sub inch accuracy. Any additional future lines would cost additional $ at that point. Just a few of the things I would make sure are addressed before signing anything that only gives a few $ for right of way. The long lasting problems caused can seriously outweigh any short term monetary gain. |