Ea. Washington | Yes! Read the Capitol Press. Article by a reporter who never lived on a farm quoting a guy from the Wa. Wheat comissiomn who will benifit from the millions in percentage checkoffs from the higher price spouting off about if we (farmers) don't sell some wheat soon the price will shurly go down. Shure enough the next day it did. Funny how some people who probably never raised a bushel of wheat can have so much influence on the market. Check the Almota website along with others and they all say the article had an effect on the market. First time in over 30 years we have had a Price that really fits and somebody has to screw it up. White wheat in 74 was 6.50 a Bu. and in todays dollars thats over 20 bucks. Durahm wheat in Mont. is 21.00 so the world will pay for it if nobody messes it up. A little bit of freezing in the dark and eating wood would be a good lesson for some people. There, I feel better! | |