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Challenger MT665B CVT Vs. Competition?
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 7/24/2006 19:19 (#29510 - in reply to #29443)
Subject: RE: Challenger MT665B CVT ....models used

Chebanse, IL.....

Yes, I noticed date of test, I'm just saying that it may be a mute point now w/bigger engines from both competitors. Bigger even than the 755 motor. I'd think the little Challenger might be out of competition w/the little 7.4 motor. Buhler is in same boat. They're just one class lower-that's all. All good engines....but they've been outsized. It's been that way in past & probably will continue.

TG was very good tractor. Liked it much better than MX. I think the powershift of TG (255) was best of all 3 mentioned. I'm not a fan of the JD reverse gear setups. 3rd reverse is just 2nd w/boosted rpms. But when you hit 4th'd better be ready. I'm sure others don't see it that way though. But-if you've operated a TG, you might agree-I believe they offer 6 nicely spaced reverses std equipment. Driver-Programmable ps of NH is hard to beat, I think...even back to the Genesis tractors. We never did care for shuttle shift lever on MX. Others said they thought it was great...that's fine. When backing up going fwd w/grain cart, the 2-handed deal is major pia, we think. But-I think new IVT nullifies all concerns of ps. TG offers lots of instrumentation that we liked also. Cab was roomier than JD. JD puts seat almost against back a TG or MX you can almost put another person behind the seat. I'd say 8420 has maybe a bit more hp....though I believe it's actually  rated higher than TG255. Personally, I believe the TG is often overlooked. The SS turns shorter than JD, in my opinion. Hydraulics work nicer in JD. Coupling is made easier also. I don't believe AMS feature is offered in CNH tractors...or at least it wasn't. I'd say CNH had better get "in gear" & come up w/good IVT soon though.

JD dealer made us a good deal on TG. No major complaints....the $$/hr seemed good. JD has been good tractor too. No problems-ours is new enough to not be affected by crank recall. Neighbor broke his 8310 crank a couple weeks ago. We have great dealer support on JD, Buhler, CIH, and CNH. JD is good tractor too.

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