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leasing land to hunters?
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Posted 7/24/2006 06:38 (#29372 - in reply to #29317)
Subject: RE: leasing land to hunters?

We lease our ground through Base Camp. The lease comes with insurance and the contract has a hold harmless clause. We have used them for a few years now the hunters we have had have been great, and respect us, our land, and the few restrictions we place on them (driving lanes, keeping roadways open, etc.) Leasing our hunting rights is a great way to recover some of the investment we have in the wildlife that help them selves to our crops. But as mentioned above make sure you have insurance before you lease. In Indiana our Farm Bureau insurance police will cover us if we don't charge for hunting but will not if we charge. If you have questions about our hunt leases e-mail me at [email protected]
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