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Pros and cons of John Deere ILS
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Posted 7/23/2006 23:23 (#29329 - in reply to #29000)
Subject: RE: Dutch, what about the plow?


"Last fall I plowed about 5 circles. Started with the newer 8420 with ILS. Only plowed 4 hrs with it and then I parked it. 14-19 % slip just wasn't getting anything done.  Got the Cat. Only 5% slip and using only 11.6 GPH of fuel vs 14.9 for the 8420.  "


Just thought this should be repeated as our experience here has been the similar!   Comparing 9350 (310hp 4wd) to mt765 (300hp).  Kitty will pull the pants of the 4wd and do it with less fuel and a smooth ride.   


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