I don't have a problem going from 220,000 down to 150,000. I can agree with that provided the seeding tool is good enough to get a decent % emerged. I do have a problem with the experts advising to go from 150,000 down to the 120,000 neighborhood. Been there and tried it without satisfactory results, and surprisingly when I read Mr.Ferrie's yield trials I don't ahve any difficulty at all concluding that the higher population is more profitible. When I read the articles as they made the rounds I was never able to reconcile the data presented in the tables with the conclusions drawn in the text. The key to cutting 30" beans with a flex head is to run diagonal to the rows. I don't know why it took us 'til about 2001 before we figured that out. You just missed the only 4 State Farm Show I can remember which has had decent weather. |