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strange thistle patch
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Posted 7/23/2006 04:26 (#29079)
Subject: strange thistle patch

I found this thistle patch on a neighbour´s field. It´s a perfect ring, centered over the tramlines, about 35 meters in diameter.
I asked the neighbour for explanation but he had none. No waste or compost deposited there, no fireplace or anything else. Notice that there are only very few thistles on that field except in the patch. Any ideas, anything known about the biology of thistles what I do not know???
I mean it looks like someone seeded them...but who collects thistle seeds, and sows them in this way? Not to mention that sowing thistles from seeds is quite ineffective, as the seedlings are usually killed by herbicides. The problem comes once they have established roots.
The second pic is combining barley on my adjacent field --> no thistles ;-)



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