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Lightening strikes?
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   Forums List -> Machinery TalkMessage format
Posted 7/22/2006 12:57 (#28902 - in reply to #28868)
Subject: RE: Lightening strikes?

Not machinery , but I have seen lightning strike and the stalks and trash fly up off the ground before me once while in the feild.I also had a business band radio in my house smoke and burn out/up in an instant on my desk where I was sitting and working after a strike hit somewhere that I am still not sure of exactly where, as it was a bright flash in my house.I have windows on both sides. I did not get any damage to the antenna or the cable or anything else.......just smoked the radio to bits inside.The lights went out and back on.
Scared the crap out of me and my ears are still ringing as it was quite loud!
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