KB, I bought some Midwest mix wildflower seed. Actually, was at seed place,(picking up sweetcorn) and saw these small bags of wildflower mix. both 1/2 pound. One package says "low grow mix-<16", planting rate/acre 5-10 lbs. Also says,1/2 acre/less4oz./1000sq ft. Seeds /pound.....548,000 Other bag says,Midwest Wild flower mix (approx 30 " high) Planting rate/acre 7-14 pounds.Also says,1/2 acre/less 5 oz /1000 sq ft. Seeds per pound 376,000 No nothing about wild flowers, guess you can guess my area. So, not being smart a@@ , do you plant these flowers in early spring or long after last frost? Not much of a gardener.
Edited by BRIAN 7/2/2006 15:00