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Monsanto takeovers....voluntary or "strong-armed"?
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Posted 7/1/2006 15:30 (#23384)
Subject: Monsanto takeovers....voluntary or "strong-armed"?

Urbandale Ia, (but originally from SE IA)
The lengthy discussion below about the most recent Monsatan acquisitions got me thinking about something.
I'm wondering if they are all because M made them an offer that was too good to pass up....waved big bucks in their face and made them smile?
What is the possibility that some were in up to their eye-balls in tech fees, didn't sell their quota of RR corn in relation to total sales, or whatever scenario, and big M had them backed in a corner, grabbed 'em by the balls & was squeezin'?
Sort of like big city Mafia up for "protection" or we'll break your legs and take over your little corner market. Or maybe like desperation car title loans...little companies feel like they "have to" offer the latest technologies to stay competitive but the only way to get them is to sign an agreement that will ultimately make them unable to meet their obligations, and big M ends up owning the company.
I'm not saying that is the case.... just a "what-if". Seems rather odd to me that some of these small companies (Deiner,Trisler, Campbell) would be on anybody's tactical plan to gain a lot of market share.
I know of a couple of small companies that were brought down due to issues over tech fees. I also once visited with the owner of another regional seed company that does not offer any M traits in their corn, for fear that it could possibly lead to a situation like that which I mentioned above.
I don't think the possibility is that far fetched. I read an article once about some of the stuff they pulled in India with gmo cotton seed that actually led to riots in the streets. Also, another article, something about trying to covertly acquire water rights in 3rd world countries.
Here in America, supposedly adolescent boys are now "growing boobies" from drinking milk from hormone injected dairy cows. Who cares about that, as long as it makes a corporate buck.
Conspiracy theory hysteria, or real cause for concern? Who knows?

Edited by greenswede 7/1/2006 15:36
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