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Monsanto Buys other Seed Companies
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Posted 6/30/2006 11:24 (#23048 - in reply to #23009)
Subject: RE: Monsanto Buys other Seed Companies

Freeburg, IL
Ok, you hit a nerve there. Wyffels does NOT buy solely from Holdens/Corn States. I would say that we access genetics from more companies than most if not all companies.

Bill and Bob Wyffels did not put a huge emphasis and spend money on an advertising campaign titled, "Declare Your Independence", in order to sell out to Monsanto. Not that Bill or Bob want to spend the next 5 days on the phone, but go to the website, get the toll free number, call them and ask them if they are ready to sell. I'm positive that you will be convinced there will not be a sale.

There are a few independents left out there that will not become Monsanto/ASI. Just watch the new hybrids and traits that continue to come out year after year. Do you think Monsanto is pushing their companies to move everything to Herculex, Agrisure, GT, CL, LL, GAT and whatever else I am missing? Keep watching and you will get your answer.

Maybe not in your town, but in many towns across this country there are clothing stores, hardware stores, and tire shops that are thriving and they are right down the road from WalMart. How do they survive? They hire great people, provide great products, and work their butts off to provide value to their customers! Well, I'm here to say, "Welcome to Wyffels! How can I service your needs today, tomorrow, and for the next several years!?!?!?"

While we are on this thread, can someone tell me how much differentiation there is going to be in hybrid choices with the 16 or 18 companies Monsanto owns? If all the Monsanto companies are accessing genetics from the same pool how many can truly be unique?

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