Kenton, TN | Some questions.
Which fertilizers are you talking about? DAP & POTASH
Are you thinking if you say applied 80 lbs of P2O5 and removed 60 lbs in a particular spot that you would credit 20 as far as the wheat application? YES THAT IS MY THINKING
Or do you mean basically set up the variable rate using the corn as a model so say the area of 200 bushel corn you might aim for 100 bushel wheat and an area of 100 bushel corn you might aim for 50 bushel wheat? NOT WHAT I WAS THINKING
When you say soil test. What exactly do you mean? Topsoil test? P,K, OM, 2 foot nitrate? Is it one test for field, grid, zone? 6" SOIL TEST FOR P,K, OM, ETC
What would nitrogen recommendations normally be based on, if we are talking nitrogen? NOT TALKING NITROGEN
Edited by Roger Cochran 10/4/2007 15:30
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