We've all heard that in recent times. Livestock folks have thrown rocks, city dwellers have thrown rocks...some blamed ethanol, some blamed FSA programs...some just thought $4/bu was too much...but didn't know why!! Well, here's one better. Today in 2 stores in local city I noticed them selling small shocks of corn. Looked like kind of crappy corn too. If you were combining it I'd say it was 30 bu/A stuff...spindly stalks. Actually it was probably open pollinated....really keeps cost down for that kind of operation. So..they had bundles of 10 stalks (w/pukey ear) for $5.00!!!! My calculator shows that's $0.50 per stalk. I'm just guessing the AVERAGE ppa rate of NAT readers here incl Can & MX is 30,000 ppa. If we greedy farmers kept it all, that would be $15,000/A! Didn't require much care or nuturing either..just cut them above the ground & haul them somewhere. Not bundled nicely either. Sure...store makes 20%, wholesaler makes 20%...that leaves $9,000 per acre for greedy farmers!! Or-if you can only visualize bushels income, that would be about $50/bu on 180 bus corn. Is that a bigger ripoff than corn flakes deal? Not much manufacturing in this product either...looked like it was out of the field to me. Anyone have any idea how many households (= potential shock customers) there are in America? |