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Erosion control in new waterway
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conservation cop
Posted 11/2/2011 21:16 (#2030866 - in reply to #2030504)
Subject: RE: Erosion control in new waterway

Gettysburg, PA is the local company (Taneytown MD, but they have places over the US) used by most here.  They don't carry the peg staples I showed in the link though.  We use the straw matting with double netting although single netting has also been used.  The price may be more like $35-$36 per roll now, I haven't checked it in recent months.

You're confusing me a little with your "fabric check"?  I'm not sure what you are referring to with that?  I thought you were just referencing using strips of the the straw matting every 100 feet or so.  Again, I've never done that but I would think that that idea would help a lot.  It would certainly slow down the water and probably stop any gullying that may occur in between them.  I'm sorry I can't add more.

Edited by conservation cop 11/2/2011 21:52
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