 Alton, Ia | My numbers above were with a deep pit, and based on the DNR manure plan. I'll know this fall whether the "book values" are higher or lower than mine, so maybe I can put more on per acre. I have no experience with a lagoon, but have friends who do. Helping same friends pour concrete later this week so I'll ask and post back.
Around here, it varies a little bit, but usually $.01/gallon, up to one mile. $.012 for 1-3 miles I believe. With a tanker, you supply the pump tractor, they supply fuel for all tractors, labor and equip. Those were last spring prices, may be higher now with fuel up.
If you can get it, do it. Everybody around here swears how much better yields they get in both C & S. My guess is N for corn is closer to roots early and more readily available for uptake, and for soybeans there are a bunch of micronutrients like Z, Mg, S, that seem to help. But that's just my guess since this is my first year, there are a lot more knowledgable people than me on this subject. | |