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Rubber tire troughs & Thirsty cows
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Dave EOh
Posted 8/20/2007 04:46 (#190023 - in reply to #189967)
Subject: Re: Rubber tire troughs & Thirsty cows

Eastern Ohio
At my place I use a ball valve (Rotjo Valve) to control the flow on my pressureized system. We brought the 1" pvc up into a brass female fitting, installed a 1" ball (shut off valve then the Rotjo valve). Here we pour up to the bead, and all troughs are set on NRCS spect. heavy use pads with crushed limestone. All troughs have a 4" pvc overflow tube. I also have several that are on a spring fed system, with 4" in and 4" out daisy chained to the next trough. Found out fast that on spring fed systems the bigger the tire the better. My pressureized system also has curb boxes to shut off indivual troughs for maintance or winter. Shoot me an e-mail adress if you want some photos, haven't figured out how to post the here.
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