Chilliwack, British Columbia | In our old barn, we had a covered area, with a 12*80' alley, stall on one side, feed bunk on otherside. one summer, we had all 70-75 cows in this alley, the rest of the barn completely empty, even though we did have one 36" box fan blowing. as stated, females.
maybe time to consider some box fans and sprinklers? we plan on putting some in this winter so we are ready for next summers heat, our cows seem to bunch up on the crossovers, where the waterers are.
I am starting to be wary of the big ass fans, too many people are saying that thier feed is drying out with these fans, unless you have enough room above your freestalls for them?
keeping them females happy is a big job, no matter how many legs they walk with
good luck,
glenn |