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What to do about pheasants eating our corn????!!!!
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Chad H
Posted 6/6/2006 15:05 (#17557 - in reply to #17534)
Subject: Re: What to do about pheasants eating our corn????!!!!

What do you mean Brian? Just because your father, grand-father, and great-grandfather worked to ensure there would be something on their farm for the next generation(same thing that happened here, and I hope to do the same for my kids someday) doesn't mean that you have no work to do? Sheesh, I thought maybe our farm was the one of the few with never ending work to be least compared to how much 75% or more of the farmers around here work. Crops, weeds, bugs, and livestock don't stop growing or needing care just because we want to take the day off. End rant.

Just trying to put this mess of stuff together here. Several fields we planted half of, then came back and finished, and finally came back this weekend to fill in the potholes. Now I've got a mess of numbers and varieties to compile.
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