| Make for darn sure you watch out for the TICKS they carry. One little bite from a tiny little critter can 'ruin' the rest of your life!! It may not kill you,,, you just "WISH" it WOULD!!! If you get bit, justy be sure to get treatment long enough and strong enough to get it the first time. The rebound trip is ten times worse!!!
Sure signs you "DO" have it.
!. A bullseye looking eccentric ringed looking bite. (NOTE: a spider doesnt leave a ringed bite like THAT< NO matter what your doctor(duck) says)
2. a sudden intolerance of alcohol. One beer and you break out in an itchy rash. Or three beers and it causes a three day hangover(NO exageration)
3. The worst sorta flu like symptoms with every bone aching in your body and lasts for days. You have trouble getting from your chair to the bathroom. Again, you sorta wish to die, it WOULD be easier!!!
4. A strange creaking cracking neck, causes that joint to go every time!! Other things can cause this one but in combo with others a dead giveaway.
AND when you do have a tick engorged on you how do YOU take it off? No cigerettes, hot needles , matches etc. that will get you sick quick. Sqeezing and pulling him off is like injecting his 'guts'(and all the BAD critters and bacteria he has inside him) into you, alot like a syringe effect!!! The ONLY way of properly removing ANY tick is to take a tweezers and grasp that mouth piece sticking in you, as close to your skin as possible. Pull steady and evenly and very soon it will pop right out. Dont forcefully pull, to prevent breaking off inside you. Put rubbing alcohol all over area
Have a nice summer and check for ticks OFTEN!!!! | |