| Are you running a beef cow herd? dairy heifers ? milk cows? what?
I am presuming you have beef cows, but that is a presumption.
Also, what kind of a feeding system do you have? and how do you typically feed your animals?
I work with farmers who graze BMR sorghum-sudangrass, but I am talking dairy animals here. These guys are using sorg-sudan for grazing, but it is not the only source of feed/forage.
My suggestion is to give access to some other feed - such as maybe free-choice dry hay. But I don't know if that is feasible for you.
Also, the guys I work with will put the cows onto the sorg-sudan for a couple of hours, let them eat, them put them off and put them back into the dairy barn during the heat of the day. This is helpful in that the sorg-sudan is getting graze, but is not getting all tramped up. I suspect/believe any practice which helps prevent getting all tramped up is going to help regrowth. My question is: is this practical for you?
I do not know how the sudan will respond if you put cows on and let them on. I suspect not very well.
One other thing: the guys that I know who graze sudan will use temporary fence to "creep-graze" - give the cows only what they can graze in 12-24 hours, then move the fence every day.
These are the kinds of practices which help make it productive to graze sudan. Like I said, I don't know how you are set up, and if you can implement these kinds of management practices.
I believe a bit more description on your operation might be helpful.
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