A natural or constructed channel that is shaped or graded to required dimensions and established with suitable vegetation.
Purposes (check all that apply)
To convey runoff from water concentrations without causing erosion or flooding.
To reduce gully erosion
To protect/improve water quality.
Condition where practice applies
In areas where added water conveyance capacity and vegetative protection are needed to control erosion resulting from concentrated runoff and where such control can be achieved by using this practice alone or combined with other conservation practices.
Vegetation establishment
Establish the waterway vegetation according to Critical Area Planting Practice (342). For the stable, spreading type outlet, select perennial plant species (native species are encouraged where possible) that have compatible characteristics to the site. Use sod-forming plants that have stiff, upright stems that provide a dense filter.
Conservation management system
Grassed waterway systems are normally established as part of a conservation management system to address the soil, water, air, plant, and animal resource concerns and the landowner’s objectives. Grassed waterway systems are an important part of the overall soil erosion and water quality plan. They are used along with other needed conservation practices located in the field, such as contour buffers, terraces, crop residue management, and nutrient and pesticide management. Waterways located below areas of high sediment production need special design and additional maintenance. Other measures to reduce sediment production or to trap sediment should be considered.
Grass Waterway Layout and Location |
Field Number | Shape |
SEE | Parabolic Trapezoidal |
DESIGN | Parabolic Trapezoidal |
SHEETS | Parabolic Trapezoidal |
| Parabolic Trapezoidal |
Seeding Establishment Grass Waterways | Field Waterway # | Field Waterway # | Field Waterway # | Field Waterway # |
Species #1 SEE #2 DESIGN #3 SHEETS #4 | Rate (Lbs/Ac) #1 #2 #3 #4 | Rate (Lbs/Ac) #1 #2 #3 #4 | Rate (Lbs/Ac) #1 #2 #3 #4 | Rate (Lbs/Ac) #1 #2 #3 #4 |
Lime (Tons/Ac) | | | | |
N (Lbs/Ac) | | | | |
P2O5 | | | | |
K2O | | | | |
Mulch Type #1 #2 #3 | Rate (Tons/Ac) | Rate (Tons/Ac) | Rate (Tons/Ac) | Rate (Tons/Ac) |
Mulch Anchoring Type #1 #2 #3 |
#1 #2 #3 |
#1 #2 #3 |
#1 #2 #3 |
#1 #2 #3 |
Site Preparation
Prepare firm shallow (1-2 Inches) seedbed or no till. Apply lime and fertilizer according to recommendations.
To prepare a shallow seedbed use a disk set at about 2 inches deep and cultipack or pull a drag harrow behind the disk.
Do not apply manure in the grassed water way area at any time.
Planting Method(s)
Drill 1/4_______ inches deep uniformly or Broadcast grass and/or legumes seed. Establish stand of vegetation according to recommended seeding rate.
If the seed is broadcast, broadcast at 1/2 the rate and do 2 applications to achieve a more uniform coverage. After broadcasting the seed use a cultipacker or drag harrow to firm the seed into the seedbed prior to mulching.
If drilling the seed drill across the width waterway vs. parallel to the length of the waterway. This provides better erosion control within the waterway.
May seed small grain as a companion crop of at the rate of _______ pounds per acre.
Operation and maintenance
· Tillage and row direction should be perpendicular to the grassed waterway to allow surface drainage into the waterway and to prevent flows along edges.
· Provide stabilized machinery crossings, where needed, to prevent rutting of the waterway.
· Protect vegetation from direct herbicide sprays and use plant species tolerant of chemicals used.
· The grassed waterway outlet should be kept as wide and shallow as possible to slow the velocity of water, increase infiltration, and spread flows evenly across a wide area before entering a vegetated filter.
· Maintain original width and depth of the grass area. Regularly remove debris and sediment from waterway.
· Harvest, mow, reseed, and fertilize to maintain good vegetation. Inspect periodically after every major storm and repair any eroding or bare areas.
· Do not apply manure in the grassed waterway area. The setback for surface manure applications is 33 feet from the top edge of the grassed waterway width. The setback for manure injected or incorporated is at the top edge of the grassed waterway width."