I cannot accurately say how well it works-------but we have such limited insecticidal "stuff" available that I think we're locked into using it. The upside is that our consultant--------Reggie Destree, WI-------- a retired organic vegetable grower who is one of the very few people I put on a pedastal because of his apparent knowledge......in this case agronomy..........I have nothing but absolute total respect for this guy's knowledge and realistic applications............he swears by it, and does tests with it to support his theories. The guy travels all over at least the Midwest, working with organic and conventional growers. If your guy is going or is organic, and is looking for advice, I would certainly recommend Reggie. (Contact him thru Drammatic Fish Oil.......he sells that stuff for them) So------does it work? Cannot say with authority.........but I believe it does. Until this year, we have not been bothered with any insects other than beetles in the beans..........at least that we have known about..............and have been using neem and karanja for the two prior years.........so, that is 3 years of no problems. HOWEVER, we have just had our first infestation of cutworms (see post further below), and the neem oil and karanja oil are/were supposed to help control it. In all fairness, it appears the damage has been limited, and probably a lot of guys might not replant.........but we're going to.........still enough time for us to get economic returns. As I understand it.........the stuff makes the worms sick, which takes a day or two, and eliminates capacity to reproduce...........as compared to a conventional poison which would stop the damage upon contact..............so, we are destined to lose a little, even if the stuff works. We put neem and karanja in the seed trench, mixed in with liquid fertilizers.............supposedly is potent for about 20 days, ..........and then we include it in foliar sprays, especially on soybeans, for beetles. We use 4 oz neem, 4 oz karanja, plus emulsifier in the trench, and then 8 oz neem, 8 oz karanja in each foliar spraying. We also mix in diatomacious earth........DE. If a person is conventional, I would think there are more effective and cheaper means out there as a subsititute for neem/karanja. Neem and karanja is often used in the domestic, household market as an insecticidal juice which has no poisons in it, ie "household safe". There is a website on neem and karanja..........is not all that informative, but it basically describes the stuff. The most economically priced neem and karanja that I have found is from the Ahimsa Alternative.........owned and operated by Usha Rao, who lives in Minneapolis, MN area, and is native of India. I have yet to meet her face to face, but I have spent all too much time emailing and on the telephone with her..........absolutely a good person to work with. If someone told me that Usha had shafted some one, I would have to call that someone a liar. I have had very positive business relations with the woman. I cannot remember for sure her prices...........but she has a website that lists them, and an 800 no. As I recall I pay about 1200-1300 per 55 gal barrel. If your man calls her, and is feeling adventurous, have him mention Moore, at Spring Valley Farms in Oskaloosa...............I THINK he will get a favorable reception........BUT, you put your money down, and take your chances! :<) One caveat..........when I was talking to Destree about our cutworm problems, he asked if our neem oil was "good", whether we were using old stuff that might have lost some of its potency................and we were..............some stuff that was sitting in a barrel in my unheated garages under my house over the winter. That is the first time that question has come up................so, I am going to have to look at the issue of whether or not it can be properly carried over. Ms. Rao told me last year that it could be, as long as it did not freeze............and I don't think it froze......things seldom freeze in those garages, unless someone leaves a door open for a while...................but........if a garage door was left open for a while.............maaaayyyyybbbbeeeee......... Probably I will have to store the carryover in our bedroom this winter??????? (Oh, ya, that'll work!)
Edited by jakescia 6/5/2006 10:34