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Non RR corn post spray?
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Ed Winkle
Posted 6/4/2006 18:50 (#17013 - in reply to #16934)
Subject: Re: Non RR corn post spray?

Martinsville, Ohio
There is nothing I like to spray on corn post that I would not recommend drops on. You want it on the weeds, not the corn.

Celebrity Plus is about as wide a spectrum herbicide as you can find for the money. I would sure want the Accent portion of it applied with drops but it is broadcast all the time.

You have other options, also:
Postemergence Herbicides on Corn
Chris Boerboom, Ext. Weed Scientist
In most years, I worry about herbicides being applied
to corn that is too tall. This year’s rainy weather may
actually create the opposite situation. In some fields,
preemergence herbicides were not applied and people
may be considering early postemergence options. In
most cases, postemergence corn herbicides can be
applied to corn anytime after emergence, but there
are a few exceptions such as Beacon, NorthStar
(which contains Beacon), Buctril, Distinct, and
Celebrity Plus (which contains Distinct). Most of
these herbicides need to be delayed until the corn is
at least 4 inches tall (see table below).
Speaking of delayed herbicide applications, if an
application of preemergence herbicides in a liquid
fertilizer carrier were planned, but cannot be made
before corn emergence, do not apply this
combination. Most preemergence herbicide labels
prohibit applications using a liquid fertilizer carrier
after corn has emerged because of the risk of crop
injury. The labels that don’t prohibit it warn against it
for the same reason. Rather than fertilizer, water
should be used as the carrier after corn emergence.
Remember that the preemergence grass herbicides
(ie. acetochlor, Define, dimethenamid, metolachlor,
pendimethalin) do not control emerged grasses even
though these herbicides are labeled for
postemergence application. The value of these
herbicides when applied postemergence is the
residual grass control that they provide.
One other caution about early postemergence
herbicide combinations relates to mixtures of growth
regulator herbicides and ALS inhibiting herbicides.
Several ALS grass herbicides carry the warning that
tank mixtures with dicamba or other growth
regulating herbicides to stressed corn that is V3 or
smaller may cause the corn to rattail later in the
season. These ALS grass herbicide include Accent,
Accent Gold, Basis, Resolve, Steadfast and Stout.
Where I have seen this happen in the past is when a
combination of the ALS herbicide, the growth
regulator, and often a preemergence grass herbicide
with an emulsifiable concentrate formulation are
applied to V1-V2 corn during cold, wet conditions.
Delaying the application until warmer weather (faster
herbicide metabolism) should greatly reduce the risk
of injury from this type of application.
Despite a few specific precautions noted above, it is
still best to target postemergence herbicide
applications in corn on the early side to reduce the
risk of yield loss from early season weed
A Chinese proverb says - Don't let slip an
opportunity; it may never come again. In the case of
emerged weeds in corn, this proverb should be
changed from “may never” to “will never”.
Herbicide Corn stage
Accent 0-20" or V6; to 36" or V10
with drop nozzles
Accent Gold WDG 0-12" or V5
Acetochlor 0-11"
(Harness, etc.)
Aim 0-V8
Atrazine 0-12"
Basagran no restriction
Basis 0-V2
Beacon 4-20" or V6; to tasseling
with drop nozzles
Bicep Lite II Mag. 0-5"
Buctril 4 leaf to before tasseling
Callisto 0-30" or V8
Camix 0-12"
Celebrity Plus 4-24" or V6
Define 0-V5
Dicamba 0-8" or 5 leaf; to 36"
(Clarity, etc.) with drop nozzles
Dimethenamid 0-12"
(Outlook, etc.)
Distinct 4-24"; 24-36" with drop nozzles
Glyphosate 0-30" or V8
(Roundup, etc.)
G-Max Lite 0-12"
Hornet WDG 0-20" or V6; 20-36" with drop
nozzles if harvested for grain
Impact emergence to 45 days before
Liberty 0-24" or V7; 24-36" with drop
Liberty ATZ 0-12"
Lightning 0-20" or V6
Lumax 0-12"
Marksman 0-8" or 5 leaf
Micro-Tech 0-5"
Metolachor 0-40"
(Dual II Magnum, etc)
NorthStar 4-20" or V2 -V6; to 36" with
drop nozzles
Option V1-V6; to V7 with drop nozzles
Pendimethalin 0-30" or V8
(Prowl, etc.)
Permit 0-36"
Priority 0-V8
Ready Master ATZ 0-12"
Resolve 0-12” or V5
Resource V2-V10
Shotgun 0-8"; to 12" with drop nozzles
Steadfast 0-20" or V6
Steadfast ATZ 0-12"
Stinger 0-24"
Stout 0-16” or V5
Yukon 0-36"
2,4-D 0-8"; to before tasseling with
drop nozzles

Good Luck!

Ed Winkle
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