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Let's see how long a thread we can make - a Seinfeld thread
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Mike SE IL
Posted 4/2/2006 09:05 (#1661)
Subject: Let's see how long a thread we can make - a Seinfeld thread

West Union, Illinois

I post occasionally over on CCT ( ) and somebody started a thread to see just how long it would go. The last time I checked it was over 700 responses long.

It's kind of a Seinfeld thread, a thread about absolutely nothing of any consequence except to see how long it will go. It was started March 5 and is still current.

There are a couple differences in the forum design. It's like SF and brings a post back to the top when it is responded to, and it nests breaks responses into pages with 10 posts per page.

But hey! This is new, let's see if we can break it.

Let's just include one rule, no pictures. It slows down the dial up guys too much.

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