Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot | Depends on how much bare ground there is, and how much you can trust the rain. If the ground is bare enough I'd run a grain drill through it and try and drill it in. Or maybe harrow it first.
One of the best grass/alfalfa stands I know of a guy took a worn out alfalfa field and ran a danish S tine harrow through about 3 times the way he was haying it. Then he rolled it with a big steel roller. Had the fert company blow on 12lbs of O grass with an airflow right on top of the soil. You would have never thought any of it was deep enough, but he had the boys running 4 hours sets across it for a month. Probably got a shot of water every 2-3 days for a while. It came up great, but then he had control over the water. With rain I'd be scared. How much can you be sure it will rain?
One of the biggest problems I've had with grass is keeping it wet enough for the first few weeks. | |