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School Kids - How many of you
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Posted 4/25/2010 22:23 (#1174724 - in reply to #1174646)
Subject: Re: School Kids - How many of you

Lubbock, Texas
it is

1. attitude

2. parent taught them this

3. the government making it too easy to be a parent and especially too easy to be a deadbeat parent and even more so the government refusing to hold parentS especially deadbeat ones accountible

4. loss of ANY values and in fact in today's society we teach kids that they can't JUDGE ANYONE.....well anyone except Christian, conservatives, that might have some money.......they are closed minded, judgmental, selfish, racist (because we all know poor values and poor habits are a race and culture), that got what they have by stealing it from those that do nothing but breed uncontrollably all day while drunk and on crack (you know the real builders of society)

honestly Christian values or not if you toss food to a wild animal everyday and ask nothing of it other than it lets you know when it needs something.....don't be surprised when that animal breeds out of control and then one day when you don't have anything for it because of what ever reason that it does not rise up and beat you down and take the last of what you have anyway.....and when that is gone it will look for someone else to take from

as long as "people" are allowed to breed while on welfare and unable to take care of their current kids, males are allowed to abandon kids with impunity, society steps up to warehouse and feed the kids to take the burden OFF the parent, kids are not allowed to be graded in school, parents are allowed to scream at schools because their kids are out of control and failing, schools are scared to send kids out the door to reform school or juvenile justice because the school will LOSE MONEY, schools are allowed to over rule parents and even tell kids that their parents morals and values are wrong or hateful, society keeps looking down on people that move from one area to another for better schools and a better environment, people that don't work or provide for themselves or their kids are allowed to move into and trash nice areas on the failed idea that the nice will rub off on trash instead of the other way around

we will fail and fall further as a society
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