Eastern Nebraska | Well thank you for allowing me step up on my "soap box".... I teach in a high school where the discipline problems require 2 full time vice prinicapals to deal with them... we have a police officer in the school to deal with drugs and gang problems along with truancy and an intervention officer to deal with the kids on probation.... about 10% of the young girls are pregnant and that many more already have kids and have not yet reached 11th grade. No I do not live in a city.... it is just a large town... the cities have it worse.... Where are the parents? When did it become the teachers job to raise and teach the kids? Teachers dumber these days???? Every year since the late 1800's the government has added to the list what teachers are suppose to teach your kids... Teaching is one of the few professions that we have to have continuing education every year and have to get recertified every few years or we do not teach. Our porbation period is three years long and they can get rid of us without cause in that time... Do you have a three year probation period? If you do not do good at farming will you be fired? Do you have to do your job and raise someone else's kids while trying to teach them how to farm??? Classes get bigger... money coming to pay expenses gets less and the government demands things they think are in the best interest of the kids but are not.... You are talking about teachers 20 years ago compared to now?? 20 years ago SPED kids did not go to school or were pushed in a room in the basement. Now they are included with their classmates as they should be but the teacher can no longer teach to the smartest kids in the class.... The same lesson has to be presented different ways to make sure that everyone understands. 20 years ago.... kids did not have cell phone and Ipods and MP3 players and the electronic gadgets that their parents buy them and we have to deal with in school... It is easy for you to sit back and tell us how bad we are and what we should do and what we don't do... why don't you address the parents that need to be parents so that teachers can do their jobs. I teach SPED.... do my kids learn???... you bet they do... they learn their academics and they learn manners and respect and social skills and how to take a bath right if you have not taught them. I cannot just teach academics as you would like .... these kids have to be taught ALL so that when they leave school they will be productive members of society... If I can keep one kid from dropping out of school... help one child to feel good about himself when he has been put down his whole life... when my kids all succeed at something then I have done a good job. You talk about how bad teachers are..... I have been sexually harassed by a student.... threatened, insulted, and had students attempt to intimidate me.... so get off your soap box and walk a mile in my shoes and why not be part of the solution.... I wish you the best in what you think is right for your kids but be aware that home schooling is not always the answer either.... it is a huge commitment and will take more of your time and energy than you think.... they also miss the social interaction with peers and learning how to deal with life issues adn how to say NO when they need to ....... There are pros and cons for both.... just be sure to look realistically at both options.... Good luck and I am sorry that you have such a poor concept of teachers. | |