Little River, TX | Lovebeingfarmwife graces these pages from time to time. She fits the description of Farm Wife that I think of.
From what we see she keeps the house tends the kids, raises a lot of the food she puts on the table and appears to be thoroughly enjoying life.
That is not to say that her's is the only model for farm wife. At least one farm family it is the wife who is the farmer and the husband who was assigned to task of having a town job, mostly to provide health insurance and other benefits. In this case the Farm Wife is actually the one with the better skills in actual farming.
The modern example of my traditional Farm Wife supplies all the food for the table, but does it with a job in town and purchasing the food, as that is where here skills and interest lie.
I believe it has more to do with each families skills and interest than anything else.
The family where the wife is the farmer, it was an interesting transition. She trained to be a nurse, and was a working nurse for a number of years. Being a nurse she ended up being the Doctor to the livestock. Then she took over the books. Then it was discovered she was the most skilled combine operator for miles in any direction. Somewhere along the way HE was offered a position off the farm.
He is now retired from his Position Type Employment and has returned to the farm full time.
Shoot I know of a small airport Mom & Pop operation where she answered the phone, and kept things all in order. Along the way it was discovered she was the better pilot of the two and they reversed rolls. | |