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odds & ends pics
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Posted 3/27/2025 21:21 (#11164457 - in reply to #11164190)
Subject: RE: odds & ends pics

Barry County, MI
I like I remember when the big B and O steamers pulled coal out of W Va into the east and I help load the coal cars In 1963 the started the 100 car trains that year and you had only so many hrs to get the cars loaded . I loaded at a stock pile and they trucked the coal about a quarter mile to the tipple and there the cars were loaded , Im not sure but the 70 ton cars were new at that time so it would a 7000 ton train . I have a neighbor that is a engineer and runs a trip to Chicago every day from Battle Creek after so many hrs they have to be off duty for so many hrs , He told me the rail cars that haul coal and sand and gravel now haul 100 tons archie

Edited by archie63 3/27/2025 21:32
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