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Schaffert Zippers vs. Schlagel Posi-close
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Posted 3/27/2025 18:43 (#11164147 - in reply to #11164102)
Subject: RE: Schaffert Zippers vs. Schlagel Posi-close

I haven't tried both yet. I have had the Schlagel posi-close wheels for a few years. I run them a lot in notill. I run them the aggressive way with the rods out. They do a really nice job in corn. If I got in tough clay doing soybeans they didn't work well. I bought some zipper wheels this winter. I am hoping the shorter fingers will get better penetration and fracturing in clay. I like the fact the fingers are angled out to sweep soil to the middle when planting soybeans and the furrow wall is farther from the closing wheel.

(IMG_6526 (full).png)

Attachments IMG_6526 (full).png (310KB - 5 downloads)
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