ecmn | Magicmatt41 - 3/25/2025 20:41
Here is an uptake curve. Are you sure (easymoney) you don’t have them backwards Phosphorus is responsible for cell division and elongation(that your big roots). You only have whatever Phosphorus that has been dissolved into the soil waters. High PH soil it is harder to extract Phosphorus in to the soil solution until it warm out but you need a lot early. Potassium is responsible for moving nutrients up and down the plant and regulating water intake. As quick search for the roles of Potassium and Phosphorus in the corn plant will really. Help with this question.
What a wonderful response, I like it. I like the charts. Oh absolutely Phosphorus has an important role. All the nutrients have value. Like I Said the seed is giving us how many days worth of phosphorus, yep, it can provide us some potassium, but since the seed is giving us a good start on P. So I would rather use a more balanced fertility program.
Phosphorus is very easy for plants and soil life to get out of the soil. In some soils it might be more difficult than other soils, but still generally speaking it's fairly easy compared to other nutrients.
Copied from Google.
Phosphorus (P): Drives early root growth by supporting cell division, ATP production, and overall metabolic energy.
Potassium (K): Regulates water movement, enzyme activation, and nutrient transport, making roots more efficient at absorbing nutrients. It also strengthens cell walls, which helps with stress tolerance. |