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Tell Me About Weed Wipers
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Posted 3/25/2025 13:09 (#11161372 - in reply to #11161057)
Subject: RE: Tell Me About Weed Wipers

Eastern NE KS
My experience with weed wipers is very light. Row crop observations from the 80's was very disappointing. They were wiping weeds in soybeans and using Roundup. As most know it worked fairly well on Johnsongrass and very poor on pigweed.

My question is why do you want to wipe as opposed to spray?

You will be using something besides roundup (I think and hope). I'm prejudiced in my thinking. I have great results spraying broadleaf weeds in native pasture and good results in tame grass pastures. My time, effort and quality job is valued near the savings in herbicide. Is there other benefits to wiping I fail to consider?
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