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What dog food do you feed?
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Green Acres Guy
Posted 3/23/2025 17:23 (#11159016 - in reply to #11157195)
Subject: RE: What dog food do you feed?

Latimer, Iowa (north central)
6 months of the year ours eat very well as its cold enough for pigs from the hog sites that crossed the bridge to keep without spoiling. Cut the hide and throw one in the back cattle shed and replace as needed. The dogs are much happier and shinier once they start eating pork instead of kibble. Just don't tell my wife. She thinks they need the expensive, sensitive stomach, etc. stuff. The dogs seem to be just as happy chewing on the side of a manure spreader. Do you have any neighbors with livestock? Could save you alot of money with big dogs. Our local locker will also sell cheap trimmings as dog food.
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