SW WI | So are we talking real world, real bids/ prices or paper trade?
Turbo diesel, all your arguments make sense for the real market……but I think 1953 is talking trade.
The two don’t always mesh.
I know, I know…..convergence…..
Better than lean hogs, but the cattle trade still takes on its own life at times.
I have nowhere near the expertise as 1953…. but would think a blow off top would be more pronounced on a chart, than what we’re seeing here. Another thing that bothers me, I may have wrong, is the reversal on bullish news. I thought the textbook was getting the bullish news first, making new highs that day, then closing significantly lower for the reversal. Today the bullish report came after the reversal……
I’m thinking grain markets in 08 as examples.
But maybe this is why I would struggle to make a living as a full time trader.
Interested in the pros and cons of the argument for a top, here.
Edited by mikado 3/21/2025 18:45
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