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Bouncing Internet signal
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Posted 3/21/2025 15:24 (#11156642 - in reply to #11156432)
Subject: RE: Bouncing Internet signal

Tipton, KS
sesk - 3/21/2025 11:49

I need to shoot a signal 1.8 miles clear line of site.

2x - airMAX NanoStation M2 loco $49.00
1x - VONETS VAP11G-500S $37.98 or used/new indoor router (cheap on ebay)
2x - Outdoor Ethernet Cables for both ends

Higher powered M2s are not needed.....may need an ethernet splice kit unless correct cable length can be found

Just buy a single M2 loco to get your feet wet, and setup as a AP....a chance your Smartphone can access it at 1.8 miles if in a quiet RF area. Channel 6 is best to use. When configuring, use Bridge mode and goto Wireless tab, set to Station Mode, and then scan (Pic above: Touch to select AP) to see how many other APs/Clients are out there. Then reset to AP Mode.

Uncheck: CDP, STP, Discovery, Auto IP Aliasing, and WDS (Transparent Bridge Mode)

Your laptop/desktop must be configured to configure; his info is good.

Aside, there might be a way to use a SOHO Router with outdoor antenna for receiving end, but can you say Mickey Mouse?

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