| i`d rather die than retire because i don`t like dealing with people (tenants) .."put in more tile!" "clean the ditch!" "lower my rent!" "sell me your farm (cheap)!" and i`m sure i`m there`ll be other demands that you only find out after you lease it out. it`ll just be so much easier when i`m 90 to just pull out the ol` planter and ol` combine and do it myself. after i croak, the kids can pay 10% to the hertz man and he can be "bad cop" for them.
then if i want to get out of social engagements, i have the excuse "sorry can`t make it, i`m still planting" "oh` next week isn`t good, i got some heifers that are springing that i need to keep an eye on" :-) if you retire , you`ll have to go to all kinds of crap.
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