Northern Illinois | Just a question and not trying to be an ass. I am type 2 and attempting to control my A1c by eating low carb and exercise. Wondering about remission. Is our diabetes in remission because we lower our A1c by going low carb or have we learned to control our diabetes by eating low carb and exercise? I know when I eat something detrimental to my diabetes my blood glucose will spike. I do not consider myself in remission because a spike can occur at any time. I would consider a remission to mean a spike would not occur if I briefly went off the wagon so to speak. I am not there.
I have not been low carb for nearly as long as you have. Do you think if a person is low carb and has a normal to low A1c for a long enough period of time that a spike would not occur if someone ate some non diabetic friendly foods such as a piece of birthday cake? | |