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John Deere Tractor Upgrade: Which one?
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NTM Farms
Posted 3/5/2025 09:39 (#11133959 - in reply to #11132837)
Subject: RE: John Deere Tractor Upgrade: Which one?

Bloomfield MO
jd8850 - 3/4/2025 16:06

That wd be an easy choice for me.
All of them are like toys compared to an 8100.
The 8100:
1. Is built heavier
2. Longer wheelbase, wd ride better
3. Biggest cab, hands down
4. A true 16 spd powershift.
5. Superior hydraulics.

With the better agility of the smaller ones you have a rougher ride.
The 540 pto wd be a tough option to find on a 8000 and $6000+ to install.
Adapters are last resort bandaid, have to run engine at 1200.

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