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Cof report
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Posted 2/22/2025 08:59 (#11117144 - in reply to #11116916)
Subject: RE: Cof report

ec. nebr.
The seller will make bank whether the bull goes to pasture or to the slaughter house. Pasture means hfr. retention. Herd rebuilding. Of course, a rancher always needs to cull old bulls as a natural part of ranching. You have to be an optimist that the cof will remain low to keep live cattle futures high. On the other side of the coin, will a bull and hfr. retention have any pay day, before futures prices fall?? Quite the gamble, esp. when one sees the demographics on the age of those very ranchers. That is akin to "all in" at the poker table. Winner take all- -- - or lose all>>>>>>>> Takes some mighty steel balls to do that.
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