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John Deere 6430 premium fuel starting problem
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Posted 2/5/2025 21:42 (#11091036 - in reply to #11089349)
Subject: RE: John Deere 6430 premium fuel starting problem

South Central Wisconsin
The suction control valve defaults to full fuel when unplugged.

A properly operating Hi Pressure Common Rail fuel system will build 3-7k fuel pressure when cranking, 6-7k PSI at idle, and up from there as speed and load increases.

Since you have started and ran it unplugged, there is a 100% chance the Rail Relief valve is blown, or blew before, and now leaks off anything about 1000-2000 PSI.

Codes are for Rail Pressure too low, out of range.

When SCV is plugged back in, fuel flow is limited to "expected" value, 5% of maximum or so. Pump is trying to build that but it's just blowing out of blown Relief and engine dies.

Replace Relief Valve. Also recommended to replace SCV since it may have stuck in the first place, and blew the Relief.

Replace ALL braided fuel lines and spring clamps with good quality rubber hose and quality screw claps.

Good luck, hope you get it tackled!
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