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New 100 HP tractor loader value
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Posted 2/5/2025 02:11 (#11089669 - in reply to #11089624)
Subject: RE: New 100 HP tractor loader value

That size tractor it also matters for resale If *LOADER Ready* Some of the better rigs require near factory parts be installed. I found a dirt cheap NH 75 not set up for loader. It was a heck of a project to put the correct NH loader with joystick, still have rear hyd.
Brand matters. As you are talking new. Just call dealers *other then one I assume you are talking to* ask on the unit without loader? Then ask price if loader ready.
Brands, models mfwd, other matter. JD likely most $$$. 3rd world tractors the least. I see a lot of +6 yr old around 100 hp decent brand tractors a bit cheaper then new. With hundreds of hours. IIRC this one was under 600 hours?
A loader for a desirable make, model can be worth something. Local jockey had two really nice looking loaders. But he could not find anyone that had a tractor they would fit who wanted a loader on it. He just wanted them gone.

Edited by Larry_minn 2/5/2025 02:14

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