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Soybean Rows in 15” or 30”rows
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Posted 1/26/2025 10:48 (#11074299 - in reply to #11074125)
Subject: RE: Soybean Rows in 15” or 30”rows

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana
NEMO_Rookie - 1/26/2025 09:04

Talk to a bunch of local guys about notilling the beans in. 50/50 on the row distance. So just wanted to ask you guys what thought. Planing on an April Plant if that makes a difference

If I was starting from scratch today it wouldn’t bother me (in central Indiana) to go 30” if I found a far better deal on a 30” only planter as long as I dedicated myself to planting all the beans first then. I like the narrower rows for canopy/weed control and as you start to plant into mid May here I think there’s an advantage to the narrower rows. Can’t get by without post residuals (which hasn’t been working in any row widths with superhero waterhemp and Palmer now) regardless of row widths anymore here.
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