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Boron & sulfer
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Posted 1/25/2025 06:31 (#11072553 - in reply to #11072489)
Subject: RE: Boron & sulfer

West Central Indiana
deereman7 - 1/25/2025 05:25

Corns easy 5 gal ats in 2x2x2, quart of boron and 12:1 to 16:1 32/ats, half gallon boron, and quart of zinc in sidedress. Beans is tougher. I like the idea of ats in burndown, but turned a sprayer load into jelly once even though I done a jar test. That's been years ago, but wasn't fun. In beans Half ams pre plant and half elemental applied by mother's day has worked better by tissue tests. Straight ams where I buy is almost 2x what elemental is. So ams can be price prohibited. Though it's a better imho. Boron can be issue also because it's hard to get enough on foliar. I'm rigged with 2x2x2 this year. Will apply 5 gal ats, half gal boron, and quart of zinc in beans. Will also have 15 -20 pds elemental spread here pretty soon. Then I use a product from Winfield called max in znb at r3 with fungi and insecticide. Sulfer and boron are highly leachable, so any application later will render a higher yield, but is tough to get enough on economically, a foliar will help. Tri state recommendations are a little dated in my opinion. Especially if your pushing the envelope. Do tissue tests this year and see how your program goes. I'm betting you will find your gonna be short both sulfer and boron no matter what program you use.

Db what are you spraying at burndown and do you have a mixing order? I like this idea.
Like you said we always do a jar test. This is what I posted here a while back for someone else:

hone570 - 12/5/2024 13:57

What is the mixing order? When is the ATS put in or do you start with it in first?
I've listed it before on here and some told me it was wrong but it's what our agronomy guy told us, and we've never had a mixing issue over probably 6 years, so we've never changed. Our exact mix order and rate.

3.5 gal ATS
most of the water (we spray burndown at 13.5g/acre)
3 bags AMS
5oz Dimeteric EXT
6oz Zidua Pro
20oz Powermax 3
12oz Destiny HC


3.5 gal ATS
most of the water (13.5g/acre)
3 bags ams
5oz Dimeteric EXT
1oz sharpen
20oz Powermax 3
1 gal per 100 of water MSO oil
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