West Central Indiana | Diamond farmer - 1/24/2025 07:24
Reason for doing burndown and pre separate is putting 28% down with the pre and feel the 28 would burn weeds and not kill as well. The 2-4D is $4.80/acre. Trouble with doing a post is time factor and worry about getting back in if get wet weather. Plus we start side dressing at that time. Thanks for ideas We put down 10 gal 28%, 4 gal ATS, 2,4d & roundup as our corn burndown on no-till acres for a long time now been nothing but happy. As far as rest of the stuff why are you using Enlist in your burndown on beans? You are spending more money than needed for no reason. Put 2,4D LV6 in the burndown. Also have no idea where you're located because maybe half actually put location to help people answer but a quart of Enlist or a quart of Liberty alone might not be enough. If you have waterhemp you're going to have escapes. A lot do Enlist and liberty. Also, 2lb AMS is not enough for liberty if you want a good kill. Most of what you posted sounds like you'd greatly benefit from talking to a good agronomist. |