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Press break attachment for shop press
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Posted 1/23/2025 22:38 (#11070917 - in reply to #11070568)
Subject: RE: Press brake attachment for shop press

WTW - 1/23/2025 19:10

WCWI - 1/23/2025 18:03

So WTW and Erik how many tons are your presses rated at and how thick of steel can you bend say 24 inch wide, been thinking of making a break of some sort.

I attached a bending chart provided by Iroquois to the bottom of my original post. Theoretically we could bend 7/16" x 24" material on a 3" die. Thicker if narrower. 100 ton press as I stated in the first post.

Thanks for the chart, very good resource. A trick an old boss of mine and neighbor of mine used to bend sheet steel by making intermittent cuts on the bend line so that every other inch or 2 was cut then bending how ever and welding the cuts shut and grinding off the welds, slower then a break but effective.
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