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Options to apply low rates of dry fertilizer in-furrow using insecticide boxes
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Posted 1/22/2025 11:55 (#11068242)
Subject: Options to apply low rates of dry fertilizer in-furrow using insecticide boxes

I realize this adds time and messing around at planting time, but was curious if anyone has experience doing this?

I read some old threads where mini MAP was used and the metering roll was modified to stainless steel.

What rates could one get by with placing MAP in furrow?

Is this just a crazy idea, or something worth trying? I’m a young farmer on a budget, so modifying the insecticide boxes and more work filling the planter are things I can work around. NOTE: I am in a no-till environment, so some sort of starter fertilizer would be a good option for me. I do not have any liquid equipment as of now, just a standard planter and insecticide boxes.

I look forward to seeing your thoughts!
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